with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; 
procedure strong  is 
    f, g, flt_sum, flt_avg : Float := 0.0;  -- .0 and 0. not allowed
    i, j, int_sum, int_avg : Integer := 0;           -- initial both?
    n : Natural;
    p : Positive;
    -- Assignment, expressions, and procedures are STRONGLY TYPED
    -- Cannot mix types across assignment!  None of these compile:
    -- int_sum := f + g;
    -- flt_sum := i + j;
    -- Cannot mix types across operators!  None of these compile:
    -- two_pi := 2 * 3.14159;
    -- int_avg := int_sum / 2.0;

    -- Cannot mix types on procedure calls!  None of these compile:
    --  Ada.Integer_Text_IO.Put (flt_sum);

    -- These are all okay.
    flt_sum := f + g;
    int_sum := i + j;

    int_avg := int_sum / 2;

    flt_avg := flt_sum / 2.0;
    flt_avg := float(int_sum) / 2.0;   -- EXPLICIT TYPE CONVERSION
    flt_avg := float(int_sum / 2);     -- Result?

    -- two_pi := 2.0 * 3.14159;

    -- Rules are looser with SUBTYPES.  These compile:
    n := 0;
    i := n + 1;  

    --  But runtime errors can occur - where?
    i := n;

    n := i;
    p := i;
    p := n;
    n := p;
end  strong;