Discussion of intro_all.adb


Comments, Program Structure, Context Clauses, Use Clause


Problems with Block Comments

  1. Consider this:
        /* x = 3;           * /
        y = 4;         
        /* z = 5; */
  2. Did you catch the error above? Now consider this:
        /* Startup
        x = 3;     
        /* Reset count  */
        count = 2 * x;
  3. And this:
        /* x = 3;      
        y = 4;         
        /* Come back and think about z's value
         * z = 5; 
  4. This C code ...
        int i = 98;
        int * p = & i;  /* pointer p points to i */
        i = i / *p;         
        i = /* say something about the expression here */
        printf("%d\n", i); /* result is -4 */
  5. ... gives different results from this C code:
        int i = 98;
        int * p = & i; 
        i = i /*p;          -- Starts a comment!!!
        i = /* say something about the expression here */
        printf("%d\n", i); /* result is 94 */
  6. Different results in C and C++ (from Stroustrup):
        int b = a//* divide by 4 */4;
  7. Is nesting allowed?

  8. You don't need to know C to see that lots of problems can arise!
  9. Some examples from Van Tassel, 2004 web paper

Program Structure: Three sections

      -- 1. Context Clauses:
   with ...         

   procedure intro_all ...
      -- 2. Declaration Section
      -- 3. Executable section
   end intro_all;

Context Clauses: With Statements and Packages

With Statement: Motivation and Comparison

Fully Qualified Names and Use Statements

Main Program, Identifiers, Declarations

Procedure intro_all

Compare and Contrast with Java

Rules for Identifiers

Declarations: Variables, Constants, Named Numbers

Standard Types, Literals, IO Libraries

Standard Types

Range Constraints

Types Natural and Positive


New Literals: Enumerated Types

Ada.Text_IO: put_line and other I/O routines


Keyword Parameters

Default Parameters


Operators, Precedence, Strong Typing, Conversions, Attributes

Operator Precedence and Associativity

Arithmetic Operators

Not Equal

Boolean Operators

Character and String Concatenation

Short Circuit Forms

In Operator

Unary Minus

Strong Type Checking

Implicit and Explicit Conversions

Caution: Conversions and Integer and Floating Point Conversion

Type Checking Rules

Type Checking and I/O

Type Attributes

Enumerated Type

Type Boolean

Control Structures

For Loops

More on For Loops

Three Kinds of Loops

While Loops

General Loops

Loop and a Half

If Statements

Compound Parts of If Statements

Contrast elsif and else if

Case Statement