-- Demonstrates why globals hinder debugging
-- Parameter list should indicate all communication to and from a routine
-- When searching for an error, should be able to examine only parameter lists
with ada.text_io; use ada.text_io; 
with ada.integer_text_io; use ada.integer_text_io; 
procedure globals2 is
    procedure before(x: natural) is
        g1: integer;
        g1 := 2 * x;
    end before;

    gl: integer := 22;

    procedure after(x: in out natural) is
        gi: integer;
        gl := 3 * x;
        x := 0;
    end after;

    n: natural := 3;
    put(n);   --  3 - correct
    put(gl);  -- 22 - correct


    put(n);   --  0 - Assume this is an error.  Where did it come from?
    put(gl);  -- 9 - error - where did that error come from?

    -- For n, need only look in after.  For g1 must examine entire program.
end globals2;