Senior Thesis Advising Contract

Senior Seminar, Spring 2007


Student’s Name:


Student’s Responsibilities


1.       To find an advisor for the senior thesis project from the English Department faculty; to meet with that person prior to September 6 in order to discuss the proposed topic; to review the terms of this contract with the advisor; to sign it along with the advisor.  Signed contracts due by 6:30 on January 16.


2.       To meet with advisor at least three times after this initial meeting and to secure your advisor's signature on the back of this contract at each of these meetings.  The purposes of these meetings are as follows:  during the first meeting to confer about the research to date and to discuss what further research sources might be helpful; during the second to discuss possibilities for drafting the thesis and to share guided freewrite #3 with your advisor; and during the third to discuss your advisor's comments about your draft before writing and submitting the final version of your senior thesis.  Please see the back of this contract for the dates when these additional meetings should take place. 


3.       To submit a copy of your first, typed draft of the senior thesis to your advisor by 5:00 on March 27 and to the instructor of the course by 6:30 that day.


4.       To submit a copy of the final, typed senior thesis to your advisor by 5:00 on April 17 and to the instructor of the course by 6:30 that day.  This final version should incorporate suggestions for revision you received from your advisor, your writing group, and the instructor. 


Advisor’s Responsibilities


1.       To meet with the student initially to discuss his or her proposed topic, offer suggestions on how to proceed with the research, and sign this contract;


2.       To meet with the student three additional times, during the recommended weeks, and to sign the student's contract each time.  You are not obliged to continue working with the student if you believe that he or she is not fulfilling the responsibilities stated above.  If both you and the student believe that one or more of the three meetings is not necessary, you may indicate that in the appropriate space on the back of this contract.


3.       To read the student's first draft of the thesis and to offer suggestions for revision either in writing or during the last of the three meetings about the project.


4.       To read, comment upon, and evaluate the student’s final draft of the senior thesis; to return the student’s paper to the instructor, Moira Baker, by the last day of the semester (Friday, April 27).  The evaluation may take the form of a letter grade or assessment comments.


Student’s Signature:                                                                            Date:   


Advisor’s Signature:                                                                            Date:               



Dates of Three Subsequent Meetings


After each meeting is completed, please sign in the space provided.



¨       Meeting #1 (between February 7 - 13):  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the first bibliographic project, the progress of research to date, possible sources/directions for further research, and the student’s thinking about the topic after doing some initial research.  Student will bring guided freewrite with ideas about the research and his or her questions.



Student’s Signature:                                                                                        Date:



Advisor’s Signature:                                                                                        Date:






¨       Meeting #2 (March 7 – 20, but preferably by the 9th when spring break begins):  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the second bibliographic project, the progress of research to date, and the student's plans for a first draft.  Student will bring guided freewrite with ideas about a first draft (audience, purpose, and thesis).



Student’s Signature:                                                                                        Date:



Advisor’s Signature:                                                                                        Date:





¨       Meeting #3 (between March 28 -  April 10):  The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the student's first draft of the senior thesis, the advisor’s comments upon it, and his or her suggestions for revision. 



Student’s Signature:                                                                                        Date:



Advisor’s Signature:                                                                                        Date: