Structures In Rocks Topics

Geologic Structures (Part 7)


• Domes resemble anticlines, but the beds dip uniformly in all directions away from the center of the structure.  Domes are caused by compression and uplift.

Dome (Diagram by Phyllis Newbill)

Domes are circular features that arch upward.  When domes are eroded, the oldest rocks are in the center of the dome structure. 

Burkes Garden
Burkes Garden air photo (left: courtesy of American Electric Power) and geologic map (right)

MapBurkes Garden, in Tazewell County, is an excellent example of a geologic dome.  The above left image shows a satellite image of the area.  Right image shows the geologic map with older rocks toward the center of the dome.


• Basins resemble synclines, but the beds dip uniformly in all directions toward the center of the structure.  Basins are caused by compression and downwarping.

Basin (Diagram by Phyllis Newbill)

Basins are circular features that arch downward.  When basins are eroded, the youngest rocks are in the center of the basin structure.