Minerals Topics


Major Mineral Groups (Part 3)

Silicates (continued)

Pyroxene Pronounce:

• This group of complex silicates includes augite, shown below.

• Pyroxenes are identified by their dark colors, glassy luster, and good cleavage planes.

• Their hardness is 5 to 7.

• Their specific gravity is 3.15 to 3.5.

Augite (Photograph by Parvinder Sethi)

Amphibole Pronounce:

• This group of complex silicates includes hornblende, shown below.

• Amphiboles are identified by their glassy luster, dark colors, and good cleavage planes.

• Their hardness is 5 to 6.5.

• Their specific gravity is 2.9 to 3.6.

Hornblende (Photograph by Parvinder Sethi)