#lang racket #| To use `ellipse/arc` from another file, put this file in the same directory, and in that file add `(require "arc.rkt")`. Note that you should *not* cut/paste this into a blank beginner-student tab; just download this file and put it into the same directory. |# (provide ellipse/arc) ; We only export one function. (require racket/draw) (require racket/gui) ; for image-snip% ; ellipse/arc : ; Meant to complement `ellipse` from (lib 2htdp/image). ; Return the arc of an ellipse, from θ1 to θ2 (in degrees); 0 is 3o'clock, 90 is noon. ; w : (and/c real? (not/c negative?)) ; h : (and/c real? (not/c negative?)) ; θ1 : real? ; θ2 : real? ; mode : (or/c (one-of 'transparent "transparent" 'solid "solid") natural-number/c) ; color : (or/c string? symbol?) ; Report bugs to ibarland@radford.edu ; BUG: the bounding box of the image w x h, instead of its drawable size. ; (But maybe not; this would put the "center" in a hard-to-predict place, ; for other overlay operations.) ; (define (ellipse/arc w h θ1 θ2 mode color) (define img (make-bitmap w h)) (define img-dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap img])) (define color-str (tweak color symbol? symbol->string)) (define the-color (make-object color% color-str)) (define mode-sym (tweak mode string? (compose string->symbol string-downcase))) (define mode-sym-num (if (eq? mode-sym 'solid) 255 mode-sym)) ; any number represents a (faded) solid ; Now, set the brush or pen, depending on whether we are outline or solid: ; (cond [(eq? mode-sym-num 'outline) (send img-dc set-brush the-color 'transparent) (send img-dc set-pen the-color 0 'solid)] [(natural-number/c mode-sym-num) (define faded-color (make-color (send the-color red) (send the-color green) (send the-color blue) (/ mode-sym-num 255))) (send img-dc set-brush faded-color 'solid) (send img-dc set-pen faded-color 0 'transparent)] [else (raise-type-error 'ellipse/arc "(or/c 'solid 'outline (in-range 256))" mode)]) ; Finally, call the underling 'draw-arc', and turn the result into a snip: (send img-dc draw-arc 0 0 w h (deg->rad θ1) (deg->rad θ2)) (make-object image-snip% img)) ; deg->rad : real -> real ; Convert an angle in degrees, to radians. ; (define (deg->rad θ) (* θ RAD_PER_DEG)) (define RAD_PER_DEG (/ 1 (/ 360 2 pi))) ; tweak : α (or/f (α -> boolean) α) (or/f (α -> β) β) -> β ; val : α The value to return, w/ possible tweaking. ; pred-or-val : (or/f (α -> boolean) α) The predicate to evaluate on `val`, or ; the value to compare `val` against. True indicates it should be modified. ; modifier-or-val : (or/f (α -> β) β) If `val` is to be tweaked, ; return this function applied to `val`, or just return modifier-or-val. ; (define (tweak val pred-or-target-val modifier-or-new-val) (define real-pred? (if (procedure? pred-or-target-val) pred-or-target-val (λ(v) (equal? v pred-or-target-val)))) (if (real-pred? val) (if (procedure? modifier-or-new-val) (modifier-or-new-val val) modifier-or-new-val) val)) (module+ test (require rackunit) (define tol 0.00000001) (check-= (deg->rad 180) pi tol) (check-= (deg->rad 180) pi tol) (check-equal? (tweak 7 even? sqr) 7) (check-equal? (tweak 6 even? sqr) 36) (check-equal? (tweak 7 even? 19) 7) (check-equal? (tweak 6 even? 19) 19) (check-equal? (tweak 7 6 19) 7) (check-equal? (tweak 6 6 19) 19) (check-equal? (tweak 7 6 sqr) 7) (check-equal? (tweak 6 6 sqr) 36) (define target (make-bitmap 300 100)) (define the-dc (new bitmap-dc% [bitmap target])) (send the-dc set-pen "orange" 0 'transparent) (send the-dc set-brush "orange" 'solid) (send the-dc draw-arc 0 0 200 100 0 pi) (define img (make-object image-snip% target)) (require (only-in 2htdp/image frame scale image-width)) ;(frame (make-object image-snip% target)) (define k 100000) (define tiny (scale (/ 1 k) img)) (define again (scale k tiny)) ; img ;(image=? img (ellipse/arc 200 100 0 180 "solid" "orange")) )