ITEC 120 LAB 3 Back to Lab index page

Lab must be completed and reviewed by Peer Instructor on Tuesday, Sept 2 during lab class and no later than the first 10 minutes of lab class on Thurs, Sept 4.


In this lab you'll create a new Java program that will generate the output specified below.

Task 1 - Prepare to create your own 1st Java program.

Task 2 - Create the class and method headers

Task 3 - Build the comment (banner) at the top of the program.

Task 4 - Create some variable declarations.

In your program, declare 7 variables:

Task 5 - Create the print and assignment statements necessary to complete the lab.

Lab 3      Your name
----      ---------

Example: System.out.println("larry's value is " + larry);

would produce the output: larry's value is 2

Task 6 - Compile and execute the program.

Completion Requirements

Once you've completed the lab, you should show the Peer Instructor that you have completed:
-- Run the lab3 program,
-- the PI will compare the specified output to your output.
-- then use PFE to show the file to the PI, your comments and code structure will be checked.