Learn from Radford University faculty at the free online Global Education Conference

A group of faculty members from Radford University’s School of Teacher Education and Leadership STEL will present at the online Global Education Conference beginning Nov. 13.

Assistant Professor Terry Smith is conducting a keynote presentation titled “Early Foundations for Learning with the World in the Monster Project.”

Smith’s presentation will delve into his work with the project that encourages elementary schools around the world to collaborate in building a monster through sharing digital media and using geographic resources. Each October, schools from the United States, Argentina, England, Taiwan, Myanmar, Russia, Canada and other countries participate in building a monster.

STEL faculty Brad Bizzell, Glenna Gustafson and Patti Talbot are co-presenting a session called “Faculty Inspiring World-Ready Educators: Global Education Catching FIRE in Rural Virginia.”

The conference is a collaborative, inclusive, world-wide community initiative involving students, educators and organizations at all levels. It is designed to significantly increase opportunities for building education-related connections around the globe while supporting cultural awareness and recognition of diversity.

The five-day conference is offering presentations set for each time zone. Each presenter will address a topic related to global education.

“The conference is a great example of an organized effort toward enhancing global education,” Smith said.

The conference is free to Radford University faculty and can be accessed at http://www.globaleducationconference.com/page/2016-conference. 

Nov 8, 2016
Chad Osborne