Highlanders at the Helm


"One of the best aspects of teaching at a liberal arts institution liek Radford is our focus on developing the whole person.

Radford University has long had a passion for developing leaders, in the many classrooms across the university where leadership is taught and university-wide programs like our LEAD Scholar and Citizen Leader programs. Additionally, Radford’s many student activities give students opportunities to put their leadership skills to practice. This emphasis on leadership is more important now than ever.

Today’s leaders must not only think about the financial bottom line of the organizations they serve, but they must also think about the company cultures they create. As we have experienced “The Great Resignation” this past year, employees have cited many reasons for their departure, including lack of leadership that serves and mentors those in a leader’s care. Successful leaders in today’s economy must have a service-minded vision for both their employees and their customers. Creative, civic-minded leaders are an essential part of the modern work landscape, and Radford is proud to play a part in their development.”



French earned her B.S. in communication at Radford University, M.A. at Wake Forest University and Ph.D. at Pennsylvania State University. She has served as an honors faculty fellow and was awarded the College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award in 2019. She was an associate editor for the Journal of Business Communication, and her research has been published in the Journal of Business Communication and Business Communication Quarterly. French also led leadership training sessions for the U.S. State Department’s US-Middle East Partnership Initiative (MEPI) at the University of Delaware, which fosters partnerships between civic-minded young adults from the Middle East and their

Apr 28, 2022