Social Work

Program Type
Bachelor of Science in Social Work
Main Campus in Radford, VA


The social work program helps train professionals who can assess situations and help people effectively. It teaches students to be aware of different cultures, include everyone, fight for fairness, and use theory and research to improve their work.

Why Study Social Work at Radford?

  • Flexible programs to suit the needs of diverse students
  • 100% successful Internship placement
  • Over 95% of students graduating with a baccalaureate degree from the Waldron College of Health and Human Services have found employment or gone on to graduate school within 3 months of graduation
  • Stipend programs available
  • Study abroad programs

Careers & Internships

Our Bachelor of Social Work graduates often work with diverse populations. They work as case managers for: senior living, foster care, hospice, mental health, addiction, child welfare specialists,  geriatric specialists in hospitals, clinics, residential facilities, and hospice and outpatient centers to name a few.

B.S.W. graduates often pursue master's degrees in social work for careers in more clinical settings, such as psychotherapy and substance abuse counseling.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook for Social Work

Read more on why to choose social work as a career.

What Other Opportunities Are Available For Social Work Students At Radford?

  • Students will have opportunities to participate in faculty research projects
  • Faculty provide mentorship for student researchers
  • Clubs and organizations are available for students
  • 100% Successful Internship Placement

  • Almost 100% Career Placement for Graduates

  • Nationally Ranked Social Work Program

Learn By Doing Field Work

The Field Program is where you pull your learning together and where all of the theories begin to make sense as you come to understand people and situations within their real-world context.

"I was already interested in music and art, and Radford University helped me apply those interests to social work to provide people with really cool outlets.”

Ambrianna Spurell
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