Employee Spotlight 2024




Jeanie Quesenberry
Manager, Risk Management & Finance System
24 years of dedicated service

What is your favorite thing about working at Radford University?
I love walking our beautiful campus every morning! I have lived in Radford most all my life. I grew up in the shadow of the University and received my undergrad degree here. I am one of those who can say that they are an alum, an employee and one day will be a retiree.

What is one thing on your bucket list?
To take a second trip to Israel.

What do you do for fun?
I am a crafter. I sew, knit and crochet. I also love to read and travel.

If given a chance to meet any person, who would you like to meet and why?
I really don't have a specific person I would like to meet. I know that I will one day see all my loved ones and friends who are now in Heaven. Those are the ones I look forward to meeting again.

What would you describe as your most important personal attributes or strengths that you bring to your job?
My ability to research processes and find solutions for issues that occur and/or improve how the process works. I enjoy finding the answers to people's questions.

What advice would you offer to other employees at Radford University?
Work hard. Learn all you can. Find a position where you love the work you do. Keep a positive attitude. Do all you can to further the mission of the University.




Lou Ferguson
Maintenance Reserve Manager
20 years of dedicated service

What is your favorite thing about working at Radford University? I am very proud of this organization. Everyone here has been great to work with.  When you talk to contractors, who also work at "Brand X" across the river, they will tell you they would much rather work at Radford!

What is one thing on your bucket list? I want to teach my youngest grandson (5 years old) to bass fish on the lake.

What do you do for fun? Spend time with family, participate in the Royal Ranger Ministry, fish in bass tournaments on the lake and hunt.

If given a chance to meet any person, who would you like to meet and why? My best answer to that question is JESUS, but not just yet, all in His timing. I would love to meet my grandparents on my fathers' side. They both passed before I was old enough to know them. I love to listen to the stories from my aunts and uncles about them.

What would you describe as the most important personal attributes or strength that you bring to your job? I do my best to have a positive attitude in everything.   I am an "eyeball to eyeball" person with good communication skills. I strive to be an asset to the customer and those around me.

What advice would you offer to other employees at Radford University? Don't let the circumstances around you determine your mood.




Daniel Schetselaar
Auxiliary IT tech Team Lead
8 years of dedicated service

What is your favorite thing about working at Radford University? Both of my parents were students here. I have fond memories of elementary school field trips to see plays in Porterfield Hall. I received my music degree from here in 2008. Radford has been a part of my life for a long time. 

What is one thing on your bucket list? I'd like to ride my motorcycle across the country. 

What do you do for fun? Play drums. Ride motorcycles. 

If given a chance to meet any person, who would you like to meet and why?  I would like to have spent more time with my grandfathers. 

What would you describe as the most important personal attributes or strength that you bring to your job? Flexibility. 

What advice would you offer to other employees at Radford University? I'd much rather learn from others than attempt to give advice. 




Aidan Giannecchini
Police Corporal
2 years of dedicated service

What is your favorite thing about working at Radford University? I enjoy the opportunity to protect the students and staff here at Radford University as a Law Enforcement Officer.  I enjoy working at Radford University because it provides me with the opportunity to see, work with, and speak to people from all areas of the country and the world.

What is one thing on your bucket list? I would like to visit Montana and some of the western states. 

What do you do for fun? I enjoy working out, going to church, hiking, hunting, and going to various schools to further my education.

If given a chance to meet any person, who would you like to meet and why?  I would meet The Founding Father's because I would like to meet the people who founded our country. I feel like they would have a lot of life experiance and knowledge to share.

What would you describe as the most important personal attributes or strength that you bring to your job? I believe that my biggest strengh that I bring to my job is the ability to teach and lead new Officers. As a Field Training Officer, I am very passionate about teaching and learning with the other Officers.

What advice would you offer to other employees at Radford University? If I had to give one pice of advice it would be to treat everyone with respect and always encourage and help others to be the best they can be.




Phil Crigger
Contract & Agreement Coordinator
19 years of dedicated service

What is your favorite thing about working at Radford University? I've met some amazing people and have made some great friendships through the years.  

What is one thing on your bucket list? An extended vacation in Ireland, Scotland, Germany, and Austria is one of many things on the bucket list. 

What do you do for fun? Concerts and movies are two of my favorite fun activities.  

If given a chance to meet any person, who would you like to meet and why?  I'd like to meet one of my great grandfathers, James Gregory, and talk with him about the positive impact he's continuing to have on our family.  

What would you describe as the most important personal attributes or strength that you bring to your job? Remaining flexible and remembering that change is inevitable make most work days easier.  

What advice would you offer to other employees at Radford University? Stay positive.