Matching Gifts


Did you know many companies offer a matching gift program to encourage philanthropy among their employees? And that some companies will even match to spouses and retirees?

By simply completing a matching gift form (online or paper) you may be able to double, or even triple, the impact of your gift! Contributions of any amount help Radford University students start, stay and succeed.

Use the search field below to see if your employer participates in a matching gift program.

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Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by
Powered by Double the Donation
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If you do not find your employer listed, please check with the company's human resources department to see if it offers a matching gift program.

If you have questions about matching gifts, please contact Tania Rorrer at or 540-831-5109.

The Radford University Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and was established in 1973 to advance and further the aims and purpose of Radford University.