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Laboratory Mission

Motor Behavior studies the factors influencing the learning and performance of movement skills.  It embraces knowlege from the fields of motor learning, motor control, motor development, and sport psychology.  Radford University’s Motor Behavior Laboratory was developed in 1996 to provide undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to explore the psychological, neural, and physical factors underlying skillful movement.. By understanding how the performer/client controls and learns physical skills, the practitioner can design conditions that optimize learning and performance.

PE01793A.gif (1126 bytes) The motor behavior lab is predominantly an applied one -- testing theory and processes as applied to real-life skills (e.g. tennis; gait) and real-world situations (e.g. rehabilitation; teaching or coaching) in a controlled environment. The lab is designed to support future teachers, coaches, and fitness and rehabilitation specialists in their attempt to further their knowledge, critical thinking, and appreciation for the development of skillful movement.

The lab’s equipment and activities are aligned with Radford University’s Strategic plan. The lab seeks to effectively integrate multimedia technology to enhance student learning. Students are given an opportunity to be active learners through hands-on learning, faculty-student collaboration, and research opportunities. The lab is also designed to support scholarship, creativity and collaboration among the faculty at RU. A variety of faculty and students have collaboratively utilized the lab to complete scholarly projects.

The lab’s mission is centered around the development of the student. Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to use the lab to explore their interests and further their understanding of how we become skillful movers. Many lab projects involve students in the design, methods, and analysis of the project. Graduate students play an essential role in what occurs in the motor learning lab. It is an ideal environment to complete a practicum, directed study, or thesis. rt.jpg (23277 bytes)

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